ALTEN was present at JobShop (Engineering and Technology Fair) 2019

JobShop Fair

From the 7 th to the 9 th of May, ALTEN Portugal and ALTEN France were present at a job fair. This time we attended to the 31 st edition of the “ JobShop” in Instituto Superior Técnico (IST). This is one of the most renowned academies in Portugal in the field of engineering and technology. We are so glad we were part of the companies at the event.

During these three days more than 80 companies, invited by the IST student’s association, were present at this gathering. All of them were there in order to create potential connections with more than 11.500 students. Every time is good to get to know potential future ALTEN workers. So, we thank all of those pupils of universities who came to our stand to meet us.

Regardless of being a first-year student or a senior year in high school, all participants had access to summer internship offers at JobShop fair. However, it wasn´t just a technological complex with interactive products, but a Pitch Day where they could also improve their soft skills. And these are just a few of the perks that this fair had to offer.

You can see our post in LinkedIn here and check the events we attend to.