ALTEN attends to Jornadas da Engenheria Informática

Jornadas Engenheria

ALTEN attended to Jornadas da Engenharia Informática. The event was on February, 18 th and 19 th at Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD). This fair is organized by the Computer Engineering students once a year. These Jornadas our colleagues went to last week meant the sixth edition!

Each new year is a new opportunity for the company to be in an event like this one. At JEI (Jornadas da Engenharia Informática) everyone can talk about topics as AI (Artificial Intelligence), Cybersecurity, Data Science… because they are the main ones to discuss. Besides, the main objective of this Jornadas da Engenharia Informática is to let everyone know the different applications of this kind of Engineering in any scope of society.

Students from the UTAD (Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro) were the main target, but also undergraduates’ pupils from Bragança went to the event. Every student was welcomed at the event. These kinds of profiles are still “junior”, due to they are finishing their degrees and masters, but it is interesting to meet potential future ALTEN employees.

See our post on LinkedIn or check the events we attend to.