Humans@ALTEN: Alaor
Senior ETL Developer
The things Alaor value the most at work are compensation, a healthy environment and having good colleagues
Alaor is from Brazil and started working at ALTEN this year as a Senior ETL Developer. Right now, he works in an “ interesting project for an Investment Bank ”. This project consists of ensuring the communication Data propagation among an ecosystem of systems. This Data environment is familiar to Alaor as he studied IT, “ mostly Data related ”.
Nowadays, it is difficult to coincide with every one of your colleagues at the office, as “people prefer to work from home”. However, Alaor thinks about the team he works with, and by now his colleagues are “so good”. One of the things he has clear is that, at work, he values good compensation, a healthy environment and having “ nice colleagues ”.
Letting apart Alaor’s project, he thinks that there is an important technological challenge nowadays: “the human being, greed and money”. Undoubtedly, the human being is the one who can advance in technology, but also who can make it dangerous. In this same line, Alaor talks about how he sees the future of AI: “it will be a great gamechanger, but for good reasons” . For him, “AI will help us doing calculation and predictions”, which would “prevent disasters” or help with the recovery of some that may happen. Alaor thinks that Artificial Intelligence could “also help us make decisions better ”, as they will be based on information.
Besides technological things, Alaor also told us about his personal life. He likes to play saxophone, Football and basketball, but also to play pool. He has an active life! In a day-off, he enjoys doing any of his hobbies and be “ with my family ”.
Speaking of himself, he highlights as strengths that his “ self-learning” and motivation . So much so that if he didn’t work in IT, he would have liked to be a navy pilot. We are sure that you can achieve all your goals!
Thank you, Alaor, for sharing your story with us. Discover more of our group here and read more testimonials like this one.